Dead Rising 4 Tape It or Die Again Pc Bugged

At that place are a number of differences between Expressionless Rising ii and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.[1] Below is a list of known differences betwixt the two games.

Weapons [ ]

  • Greenbacks Annals at present yields $ane,000 when destroyed past existence thrown. In Expressionless Rising 2, information technology yielded $400 when destroyed by being thrown.
  • Chainsaw and cement saw are now colored bluish instead of orange.
  • Hacker is now referred to as "Money Hacker".
  • Funny Painting is at present referred to equally "Depressing Painting". Also, the item can no longer be pocketed in the role player's inventory.
  • Keg is only affected by the Games magazine in Off the Record. In Dead Rising 2, keg is affected past both Games and Domestic magazine.
  • Flamethrower'south attack range has now been increased.
  • A drum roll followed by a cymbal crash is now played every time a bowling ball is thrown.
  • Spray Paint cannot be given to survivors in Off the Tape, unlike in Dead Rising ii where information technology was possible.
  • Ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise cannot be given to survivors in Off the Record, unlike in Dead Rising 2 where information technology was possible. In addition, all three items had their durability increased while spraying nonstop from ii seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Merc Attack Rifle capacity has been increased in Off the Tape from 30 rounds to 45 rounds.
  • Skateboard durability has been increased in Off the Record. This makes the Skateboard a more applied weapon and manner of transport at the first of the game.
  • Katana Sword no longer gives PP per kill.
  • The Blades magazine tin can be institute early on in the game, unlike where yous originally had to wait until later on Example vi-1: Help Arrives in order to even utilize it in Dead Ascension two. This makes the Broadsword, Battleaxe, and Katana Sword to be more than useful if one does not take the fourth dimension to create several combo weapons that break in less hits.
  • Dynameat no longer gives 1,000 PP per kill with its combo bill of fare. In Off the Record, it instead gives 500 PP with its combo carte.
  • The Snowball Cannon and the Super B.F.M.'s hit detection has been improved in Off the Tape. In Dead Rising 2, the Snowball Cannon would lock up and the Super B.F.G. had poor hit detection subsequently being used a few times in the same area.
  • Zooming with the sniper rifle is no longer controlled using the D-pad up/D-pad up and D-pad down/D-pad down directional pad buttons. Instead, it is controlled using B button/Circle button to zoom in and A button/Cross button to zoom out, much like the photographic camera.
  • The Snowball Cannon no longer requires a second shot on a frozen zombie to earn the PP. The actor can only destroy the frozen zombie for the PP, making it a very useful weapon.
  • The blast frequency gun does not brand mercenaries vomit anymore. Nonetheless, the Super B.F.G. will impale mercenaries in one shot. In Expressionless Rising 2, using the Super B.F.G. on mercenaries merely fabricated them vomit.
  • The Half dozen Shooter'due south capacity has been decreased in Off the Record from 60 rounds to 30

Missions [ ]

  • Some marked missions in Dead Rising 2 are now unmarked missions in Off the Tape.
  • In Off the Record, during the mission Earth'southward Nigh Dangerous Trick, the blood on the table effectually Madison Lainey is absent (see Madison Lainey § Trivia).
  • During the mission One Human being's Trash, after speaking with the looter the player will teleport to the back of the store in Dead Rising ii. In Off the Tape, the actor won't teleport and volition remain at the forepart of the store.
  • During the mission An Industrial Fashion, Willa Harris is sitting on a scaffolding in Expressionless Rising two. In Off the Record, she'due south sitting on the footing.
  • During the mission Family Feud, Lillian Payne is farther away from the ledge of the rooftop, is facing towards the histrion, and is conveying a shotgun in Off the Record. In Dead Rising 2, she is correct at the ledge of the rooftop, facing abroad from the player, and is unarmed.
  • During the mission Fresh Meat, afterward going into the small-scale maintenance room to plow on all the slot machines in the Yucatan Casino, the actor volition teleport in front of the Freedom Acquit poster in Off the Record. In Dead Rising 2, the player won't teleport and will remain at the pocket-size maintenance room.
  • During the mission Tape It or Die ii, the door leading to the backroom no longer has smoke coming out.

Cases [ ]

  • During Instance 1-two: Alive on Location, while following Rebecca from South Plaza to the Arena, she volition now have a shortcut road. She takes a longer route in Dead Rise 2.
  • The Bike Chase portion in Case 3-ii: Sign of Life was removed in Off the Tape.
    • In addition, whatsoever survivor yous bring during this mission will temporarily disappear during the hole-and-corner portion and will teleport to the player'south location one time this mission is completed. Any survivor you bring during this mission will temporarily disappear during the underground portion and volition non take damage. In Expressionless Ascension 2, the survivors will be left behind during the railroad train chase sequence and will take harm. They also won't teleport to the player's location once this mission is completed.
    • Likewise, the player doesn't demand to fight three mercenaries in guild to get on the railroad train in Off the Record. Information technology was replaced with a PP Photo opportunity.
  • More mercenaries will at present announced in Instance 4-2: Run for the Money.
    • In improver, any mercenaries the histrion did not kill subsequently destroying the van in Fortune Park will not disappear. In Expressionless Rising 2, all of the mercenaries in Fortune Park would disappear regardless of whether or not the player killed them once the van has been destroyed.
  • For Instance 7-1: Assistance Arrives, the histrion has to be on the rooftop of Slot Ranch Casino for the case to start in Off the Record. In Dead Rising 2, the player has to exist at the Safe House for the case to start.
  • For Case seven-i: Help Arrives, multiple zombies tin now exist seen in the background during the cutscene, equally opposed to the insufficiently few in Dead Rising 2.
  • The Case 7-iv: Breach was inverse in Off the Record by giving survivors less health. This makes it harder to have a survivor non dice during the case.

Survivors [ ]

  • Flashing red "[SURVIVOR] IS Also FAR Away!" bulletin that pops upward when an ally is too far away from the role player to travel with them between loading zones.[2]
  • The Survivor A.I. is noticeably more than incompetent and are physically weaker than they were in Dead Rising 2.
  • The door marker on survivors will now announced sooner when the thespian transitions from one surface area to another without doors.
  • In Off the Record, if the histrion drinks Quickstep while escorting survivors, the survivors volition likewise have their motion speed increased. This doesn't happen in Dead Rising 2.
  • More than survivors will at present award the player with money upon being escorted to safety. When collecting money from survivors, you now obtain money while even so in the cutscene of survivors thanking you for being escorted to safety house. In Dead Rising 2, you obtained money afterward the cutscene.
  • The camera is now more than zoomed out when survivors are brought dorsum to the safe house and are thanking the player for saving them.
  • Bibi Love's hostages in Ane Striking Wonder don't go recruited in Off the Record until subsequently Bibi Beloved has been recruited by the actor. In Dead Ascension 2, the hostages volition get recruited correct afterward the player finishes her stage performance minigame.
  • In Off the Record, survivors will keep losing wellness while existence grabbed by a zombie. In Dead Rising 2, survivors don't lose wellness while being grabbed by a zombie.
  • Some of the survivors had their in-game appearances changed in Off the Record to friction match their appearances on the Notebook Pictures. Examples include Bibi Honey wearing a different necklace and Janus wearing sunglasses.
  • Stacey Forsythe has now been given new facial features.
  • Matthew Kuss has the name "Pvt Kuss" actualization on top of his health bar in Off the Record. In Expressionless Rise 2, he had the name "Matthew" instead.
    • Additionally, he'south also no longer injured and doesn't require being carried.

Psychopaths [ ]

  • The health bar meter of psychopaths was changed in Off the Record so that it looks differently than the wellness bar meter of survivors.
  • Psychopaths now have a damage limiter in Off the Tape. Frank can merely do a certain amount of damage before his attacks go useless, regardless of weapon or attack. Frank volition have to back off for about two to three seconds before Frank can practice the weapon'south maximum harm on the psychopath. This discourages the player from constantly staying close and attacking. To make up for this, almost of the psychopaths take less wellness than they did in Dead Ascent ii.
  • In Dead Rising 2 when a psychopath was beaten the body would disappear. This was inverse in Off The Record equally information technology was in Dead Rise with the bodies staying in place (With the exception of Chuck Greene), mayhap because of the bonus photographic camera PP points.
  • While fighting Brandon Whittaker, zombies will at present sally from bathroom stalls periodically throughout the boss battle. This is a change from Expressionless Rising ii, where no zombies would appear in battle, only after.
  • Chef Antoine Thomas is no longer weak to the Burning Skull in Off the Record. In Dead Rising 2, the Burning Skull would impale him in v to viii hits.
    • In addition, after defeating Chef Antoine Thomas the freezer door no longer opens automatically like information technology did in Dead Rising 2. The player must now open up the freezer door manually.
  • Taming Snowflake is now easier, equally the bogus intelligence (A.I.) has improved. In Dead Rising 2, she would randomly decide to either eat the meat on the ground or simply run by it and assail Chuck. In Off the Record, Snowflake volition ever take the steak as long as Frank keeps his distance.
    • There'southward now an alternative method to taming Snowflake. In the battle if yous kill Ted, proceed to exit, and come dorsum nearly at the expiration time, the cutscene for Snowflake being tamed will play and she will go a survivor.
  • Some psychopaths can react faster later on Frank hits them. In Dead Rising ii, they usually blanch and Chuck had some time to get out of the way. In Off the Record, bosses tin can quickly hitting Frank the second Frank hits them, making it difficult to play both condom and strategic (for example, Antoine Thomas and Seymour Redding).

Game Mechanics [ ]

  • When jumping and getting hurt in Expressionless Ascent 2, should Chuck try to practise an activity, Chuck would not be able to complete the action and Chuck would flinch upon landing. In Off the Tape, Frank can nevertheless perform the action if he is injured while in the air, but he will still blanch when he lands.
  • When loading up a file, the cursor icon always default to File 1 in Off the Record. In Dead Rising 2, the cursor icon volition exist on the concluding file that the player saved on.
  • Damage received from gun attacks is heavier in Off the Record. In Dead Rising 2, Chuck would flinch from the outset shot that makes contact and the rest of the shots would go through him without damaging him. In Off the Record, every bullet will connect and do damage regardless of whether Frank is flinching or not. This makes mercenaries more of a threat if ganged upward upon or if the player is non cautious.
  • Looters are at present more than ambitious. They will hunt and attack Frank with greater persistence. Looters at present have the ability to throw Molotovs at Frank from a distance and can steal Frank'southward weapons and money.
    • It'southward now possible to "loot" a looter by spraying one with spray paint. While he is stunned, Frank can put his item abroad (he must be barehanded) and press the action button to steal some coin from him.
    • Looters now have their own music theme when encountered.
    • Looters can now acquit hackers.
    • In Off the Tape, the pawnshop looters are named. In Dead Ascension 2, their names were non displayed in-game.
  • Load times reduced by half from Dead Rising 2.[3]
  • Auto saving, a checkpoint arrangement which will take the game save progress after major story points. Including checkpoints right later on the thespian enters a new surface area and right earlier the player fights a boss. It is yet undecided whether the save system tin can be turned off.[four] [5] [six] [7] [4]
  • Fully voiced radio mission descriptions.[2]
  • The ability to set waypoints on the Fortune City map.[two]
  • The ability to cheque the time and set active missions from the map screen, instead of from your wristwatch in the active game environment.[2]
  • Controls for weapon switching slightly changed. Now Frank's weapon will switch upon release of the weapon switch button, instead of as soon as information technology is pressed. This is to work with some of his new skill moves.
  • Some of the items sold at Pawnshops are more expensive than they were in Dead Rising 2.
  • All the notebook pictures compared to Expressionless Ascension 2 are better. This may be referencing that since Frank is a lensman and Chuck isn't they wait a lot more professional person or even implying Frank took the photos himself.
  • Prestige Point hints now appear during loading screens.
  • The pigsty cards that are shown while playing Texas Hold 'Em are inverse in Off the Record to simply show the summit office of the cards and to look bigger in size. This makes it easier to know what hole cards the thespian has.
  • While playing Texas Concord 'Em, the cursor icon will default back to "Check/Call" at every player'due south plough in Off the Record. In Dead Ascent 2, the cursor icon will always exist at the last action that the player chose at every role player's turn.
  • In Off the Record, the save selection volition appear at the beginning and end of cases. In Dead Rising ii, the save option but appears at the finish of cases.
  • In Off the Record, the font size for cash obtained changes depending on how much coin y'all obtain, with small-scale amount of cash obtained being pocket-sized font size and large amount of greenbacks obtained being big font size. The font size doesn't modify in Dead Rise 2 no thing how much money y'all obtain.
  • Motion Madness minigame is now easier to complete.
  • Giant Die no longer bounces high.
  • The ability meter no longer disappears on Level 3 of Virtual Golf minigame.
  • Updated movement systems make climbing and traversing areas easier and smoother looking.
  • The Zombie Jock that appears in the Introduction can now be attacked as opposed to disappearing later the cutscene in Dead Ascent ii.
  • When Frank consumes a nutrient item or puts on a clothing, the animations are notably shorter than the original animations in Expressionless Rising two.
  • Some of the Combo Cards tin now accept different items to use than shown on the recipe. An example is using chef knife instead of bowie knife to create knife gloves.
  • When bringing up the map screen, the missions are now shown past default. In Expressionless Rising 2, the missions weren't shown by default on the map screen.
  • Underwear no longer appears at Article of clothing Locker.

Locations [ ]

  • The Tape information technology or Dice crew is now easier to find in Off the Record. Signs will be spread across Palisades Mall pointing to where the group is.
  • The Playboy posters have all been replaced with Uranus Zone posters.
  • More than Money Cases have been added. In addition, money cases now accept a new appearance where wads of cash can be seen sticking out of the cases.
  • More than ATMs accept been added. In addition, destroyed ATMs drib twice equally much cash as they did in Dead Rising 2.
  • All slot machines give money when busted. In Dead Rising 2, only a specific automobile in a cluster gave money when smashed.
  • In Dead Rising 2, slot machines with money on the floor in front end of them let the actor win 5 times on the machine, simply in Off the Tape the player can only win 3 times on the machine. However, more coin is given to the player for each win in a slot machine Off the Record compared to Expressionless Rising two.
  • Security Box Keys have been added. They can be used to open security boxes in the Fortune Metropolis Banking concern (U109) in Uranus Zone.
  • In the condom house, the storage room seven (the location of Dues Upwards) is at present a carve up loading area within the safe business firm. Also, a washing machine at present appears in i of the storage rooms.
  • At High-Noon Shooting Range store, there are 4 shotguns and 3 sniper rifles that the player tin obtain in Off the Tape. In Dead Ascent ii, there were only 2 shotguns and 2 sniper rifles that the histrion could obtain at the store.
  • In Off the Tape, the Fortune Urban center Arena received a slight makeover in terms of layout. Frank West posters can be seen plastered over Chuck Greene posters and a Frank West glory station has been set upwards in the lobby. Likewise, a big centerpiece platform has been established in the middle of the vestibule.
  • Posters promoting Bibi Love are now constitute throughout Fortune Urban center.
  • The standee poster located immediately outside the archway to Slot Ranch Casino tin can no longer be spray painted.

Co-op [ ]

  • When playing the giant slot machine in the Slot Ranch Casino or opening the prophylactic in the Yucatan Casino, the winnings are not shared in co-op. In Dead Rising 2, whenever the host won, the invitee would likewise win that amount.

Glitches [ ]

Off the Record in full general contains more than glitches than Dead Rise 2.

  • In Dead Rising 2, the Dodge Roll animation can be canceled. This is only done when you accept an item in your inventory that is calorie-free. During the animation of the Dodge Scroll, press D-pad up/D-pad up twice and, if washed correct, Chuck volition magically stand erect from but canceling the Dodge Roll, mid-roll. This glitch was stock-still in Off the Record.
  • The shotgun glitch is still present. The glitch occurs when Frank or Chuck wields the shotgun while using the Wingman, Tesla Brawl, Roaring Thunder, and other specific combined weapons. The durability of the weapon lasts for an unlimited amount of time as long as the player is belongings the shotgun.
  • In Off the Record, there is a hit detection bug that can be somewhat of a trouble, especially with psychopaths such as Chuck Greene and Carl Schliff. When Frank is knocked downwards, he is non as invincible as usual to some attacks. What happens is the psychopath's attack hitbox is active constantly, and equally he hits Frank, he will start losing a massive corporeality of health. Frank tin go from full health to expiry in a matter of seconds.
  • Some survivor scoops that Stacey should usually call Frank about, fifty-fifty when the eight survivor dominion isn't agile, Frank may never receive a call about. For example, Two'south Company is a survivor scoop that Stacey should call Frank almost, just a call from Stacey is sometimes never received.
  • Frank'southward lower body will sometimes offset clipping through the floor which results in the camera wildly moving up and downwardly. This glitch tin can be fixed past moving to another area.
  • Sometimes the item that the player or a psychopath is holding volition plough invisible. This is more noticeable with the four sniper psychopaths during the mission Militia Men.
  • Off the Record is more than susceptible to crashing than Dead Ascension two. Examples of the game crashing include transitioning from one area to another or when trying to salvage.

Off the Record Features [ ]

Modes, missions, and Uranus Zone
  • Sandbox Way. "Something the fans take been asking for since the get-go game... [it is] as big, if non bigger, than the story fashion."[8]
  • Co-op multiplayer is included, this time with Frank West and Chuck Greene as the second player.[four]
  • New unique story, "the story's been changed quite heavily".[9]
    • New missions, including the mission: Quarter Circle to Forward,[10] and the case: Case 5-ane: The Source.[10]
  • A new expanse, "Uranus Zone" Entertainment Park.[11] [12]

Dead rising Buddy Shot.jpg

  • Frank'due south photographic camera returns, allowing outtake photographs.
    • New photo opportunities in a "Buddy Shot", Frank tin can grab a zombie from backside and essentially "photo bombs" his ain image, snapping a photo of him smile side by side to a zombie before he throws him/her aside.[13]
    • Digital camera rather than a film camera.[half-dozen]
  • Sandbox Mode also has fully integrated cameras. "In Example Westward information technology was in in that location simply it was kind of 'camera light.' This fourth dimension around we've fabricated sure to integrate all the categories - Horror and Brutality and Outtake. Plus of course we had to put in the Erotica category besides."[14]
  • Concept Fine art is bachelor to view from the main carte du jour.
Clothing, weapons and food
  • Cosplay Warrior Skills Pack pre-order bonus
  • If the game detects a Dead Rising ii save file, Chuck Greene'due south Motorcyle Jacket is unlocked equally a bonus.[15]
  • New philharmonic weapons, including Bouncing Dazzler, Cryo Pod, Electrical Crusher, Laser Optics, Molten Cannon, Pegasus, Saw Launcher, and Super Massager.
  • New weapons, including Conflicting Probe, Escape Pod, Giant Spaceship Toy, Ray Gun, Remote Mine, Space Bench, Lawn tennis Ball Launcher, and Toy Rocket Ship. Over 350 weapons.[16]
  • New vehicles, including the Clown Car.[17]
  • New nutrient, including Cotton wool Candy, Popcorn, and Pretzel.
  • New clothing, including Conflicting Boots, Space Girl Outfit, Infinite Adapt.
  • New DLC, including the Barbecue Chef Skills Pack, Cyborg Skills Pack, and Fire Fighter Skills Pack.
Psychopaths and enemies
  • New enemies and psychopaths.
  • Scare Zombies, rare zombies that when a player walks around a corner or passes over a dead torso, they spring out and in that location is an audio sting at that moment.[18]
  • A more difficult game, with "A tougher Frank West and a Tougher Fortune City", with more aggressive zombies than those featured in the aforementioned metropolis in Dead Rising 2.[5] [xix] Executive producer Jason Leigh explained, "We've upped the zombie density this time around. When we first started showing [Dead Rising 2] at Captivate a couple of years agone, on one level nosotros had 7,000 zombies on the screen. What we found in Dead Rising 2 that was not actually practical in an environs because information technology was just also dumbo. This time around, because we fabricated Frank a tougher character right at the showtime and nosotros gave him more cool weapons that do a lot more than damage, we actually managed to up the zombie density and accept the world be a picayune more than unsafe for him."[20]
Other features
  • PlayStation 3 and PC owners tin play Frank for the kickoff time.[21]
  • Victims commit suicide with a gun.[half dozen]
  • Achievements/trophies are easier to earn. "There's still going to exist some tough challenges in there. There's one or two that are relatively tough, just because we didn't want it to be a cakewalk. Overall though, I think people are going to find it a picayune easier to get all the trophies."[fourteen]
  • Frank now makes verbal comments nigh his surroundings, other characters and survivors, and well-nigh what he's doing.
Returning from previous games
  • All the original fighting skills from Expressionless Rising are available in Off the Record, plus new unique skills that Chuck did not accept earlier, such every bit "Bruiser Frank West style wrestling moves".
  • TK returns as the final boss.
  • Overtime has returned.
  • Different endings. "Information technology's still the convention of a sandbox on a clock. All of the Dead Rising games so far have branch points where if you do it a certain way y'all get a certain ending. There is replayability where if players endeavour things a slightly dissimilar way, they may discover a different catastrophe."
  • Celldweller and Blue Stahli take returned once again to score the psychopaths' music.

References [ ]

  1. DR2 to DR2:OTR ~ Notes and Changes (May Contain Spoilers), Gamespot, (October 13, 2011).
  2. a b c d Will Herring, Dead Ascension 2: Off the Record Preview, Gamepro, (September 12, 2011)
  3. Simon Priest, Dead Rising ii: Off the Record's load times leaner than original, Strategy Informer, (September nine, 2011).
  4. a b c Destructoid: Listening to fans and critics was key in helping the team build Off the Record...The save organization...has been further improved...A checkpoint organization...which will have the game save progress after major story points, after fighting off the game's psychopath sub-bosses and upon loading into a new expanse...load times...take been reduced...
  5. a b Sadler, Keith Dead Rise 2: Off The Record - On Difficulty and Experience, GamrFeed, (April 14, 2011). "According to Jason Leigh, executive producer of Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising ii: Off The Record."
  6. a b c Yin-Poole, Wesley. Dead Rise ii: Off the Tape, Eurogamer (April 12, 2011).
  7. Jeremy Parish, Dead Rising ii Producer: Off The Record's Checkpoint System Won't Undermine Game'due south Integrity, 1UP, July 21, 2011.
  8. Quote from Jason Leigh, executive producer of Dead Rising ii and Expressionless Rising 2: Off The Record in MTV article.
  9. Ryan Male monarch, Dead Ascension ii: Off The Record Interview, At present Gamer, (June 17, 2011). Interview with Capcom Executive Producer Jason Leigh.
  10. a b Dead Rising ii Off the Record - Electric Crusher Hd, YouTube, July 20, 2011.
  11. Destructoid: ...there volition be an entirely new area/zone that Capcom will only say is "non a casino and not a mall."
  12. Frushtick, Russ. , 'Expressionless Ascent 2: Off The Record' First Await - Go West, Immature Homo, MTV, (Apr 12, 2011).
  13. Dead Rising 2 revives with Frank W's Off The Record exploit, MetroWNY, (April thirteen, 2011). "Perhaps the most entertaining addition is the ability for Frank to take a "Buddy Shot" (my words, not Capcom'southward) with zombies."
  14. a b Lee Bradley, Dead Rising ii: Off the Tape Interview - Capcom Vancouver's Jason Leigh Goes On the Record, PS3 Trophies, (September 07, 2011).
  15. World of Capcom - Panels - Comic-Con 2011, (July 23, 2011)
  16. Dead Rising ii: Off the Tape - New Sandbox Mode Interview, YouTube, (August 29, 2011).
  17. Jason Leigh Dead Rising 2: Off the Record E3 Interview, YouTube, (June 7, 2011). Clown Car name mentioned at four:53 by Jason Leigh.
  18. Ryan Male monarch, Dead Rising ii: Off The Record Interview, Now Gamer, (June 17, 2011). Interview with Capcom Executive Producer Jason Leigh. "One great idea which came from the Capcom Nippon guys was the notion of a scare zombies. Nosotros've got them in the demo. They don't prove upwardly very often considering they're tuned to the point where they're quite rare so if you come around the corner or when you pass over a dead trunk, they jump out and there'south an audio sting at that point. If y'all're playing the game with quiet, not like at E3, information technology can be quite frightening. That'south been an idea that's come from them."
  19. Totilo, Stephen. The Proper Difficulty For A Expressionless Rising Game, Kotaku, (April 14, 2011).
  20. Spencer, Since Frank West Is Tougher, Expressionless Rise 2: Off The Record Ups The Zombie Count, Siliconera, (July 10, 2011).
  21. Priest, Simon. Capcom: Dead Rising PS3 owners will "really embrace Frank", Strategy Informer, (April 12, 2011). "Jason Leigh: "...y'all've got a PlayStation 3 and not a 360, you haven't had an opportunity at this point to play every bit Frank West."


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